Section 4-190 Temporary Uses and Temporary Structures
A. Temporary Uses and Temporary Structures.
1. A temporary use permit (TUP) shall be required for all temporary uses and structures. Permits are provided through administrative review by the Community Development Department.
2. Permit applications shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to commencement of temporary uses. The Community Development Director may waive this requirement if special circumstances are determined to apply.
3. Notices of the temporary use permit application will be sent to surrounding property owners with direction to provide comments to the Community Development Department.
4. Temporary use permits shall be issued for a specific time period. Permits may be extended for an additional time period upon submittal of an additional permit application and after review and approval of the Community Development Director.
5. The fee for a temporary use permit shall be as established by Clarkdale Town Council.
B. Requirements for a Temporary Use or Structure.
1. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with the following general requirements, as determined by the Community Development Director:
a. Shall not cause an unreasonable effect to surrounding properties;
b. Shall not negatively impact public health or safety;
c. Temporary signs associated with a temporary use are permitted and must be included in the TUP application for review and approval of the Community Development Director;
d. Temporary uses or structures must be in conformity with the underlying zoning district;
e. At the conclusion of a temporary use or structure, all material shall be removed from the site and/or revegetated with plants from the Town’s approved plant list;
f. At the conclusion of a temporary use or structure, all disturbed areas shall be restored;
g. Off-street parking shall be sufficient to accommodate the proposed use.
2. Informal activities such as garage sales, neighborhood parties and other informal, noncommercial events do not require a temporary use permit.
3. Special events do not require temporary use permits but are subject to the requirements of Town Code Article 8-4.
4. Violations of the terms of a temporary use permit constitutes grounds for immediate revocation.
5. Decisions by the Community Development Director may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment. (Created by Resolution #1605 on 7/9/19; effective 8/8/19; Created by Ordinance #397 on 7/9/19; effective 8/8/19)