Section 4-080 Fence Height
A. Fence height in the R1L and RS3 zone districts shall be as follows:
1. Fences exceeding four (4) feet in height may be permitted in required front yard areas adjacent to streets provided:
a. They are a minimum 80% open (chain link, split rail, pipe, wrought iron and stock fences are examples);
b. A sight distance triangle is maintained at the intersection of two (2) street, or a street and alley, measured thirty-five (35) feet along the edges of easement or right-of-way, the third side being a diagonal connection the first two (2);
c. A sight distance triangle is maintained at the intersection of a street and a driveway measured twenty (20) feet along the edge of the right of way or easement, and driveway, the third side being a diagonal connecting the two (2); and
d. The property is developed such that access to streets may be taken in a forward manner.
2. Fences may not exceed four (4) feet in height in required front yard areas adjacent to streets or exterior side yards of a reverse corner lot, if they:
a. Are less than 80% open; or
b. They are located within a sight distance triangle as defined in Section 4-080 A 1. b or c are maintained.
B. Fence height in residential districts other than the R1L or RS3 zone districts shall be as follows:
1. Fences may not exceed four (4) feet in height in required front yard areas.
2. Fences may exceed four (4) feet in height along the exterior side yard of a corner lot provided sight distance triangles as defined in Section 4-080 A 1. b or c are maintained;
3. Fences may not exceed four (4) feet in height along the exterior side yard of a reverse corner lot;
4. Fences may exceed four (4) feet in height along the rear yard of a through lot provided:
a. All adjacent through lots have their front yards facing the same street; and
b. Sight distance triangles as defined in Section 4-080 A 1.b or c are maintained.
C. Maximum fence height in residential districts may not exceed six (6) feet, except at gated entryways, where pillars or posts and a single crossbar only, may exceed such 6 foot height.
D. Fences adjacent to streets in the Commercial (C) and Industrial (I) zone districts may exceed four (4) feet provided sight distance triangles as defined in Section 4-080 A 1. b or c. are maintained.
E. All fences exceeding six (6) feet in height must meet minimum standards for wind load and design standards, as certified by a State of Arizona licensed engineer.
F. The use of barbed wire and similar materials is not allowed unless specifically approved, in writing, by the Community Development Department. The use of electric fences is strictly prohibited.
G. Height Limit Exceptions: Height limitations shall not apply to fire stations, church spires, domes, belfries, monuments, water tank towers, fire towers, observation towers, transmission towers. (Prior code § 4-8)