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(Revised by Ord #368; Res 1507; Adopted 10/13/15; Eff 11/13/15)

District Intent:

Provide opportunities for commercial centers that offer everyday goods and services located within close proximity to residential neighborhood and that promote foot and bicycle traffic to those areas.

District Purpose:

This zone strives to provide service commercial uses while still providing a desirable living environment by preserving and protecting surrounding residential land uses in terms of light, air and existing visual amenities. Adaptive reuse of residential structures is strongly encouraged with the intent to facilitate the use of mixed use areas to buffer residential areas.

A. Principal Permitted Uses

(Revised by Ord #368; Res 1507; Adopted 10/13/15; Eff 11/13/15)

1. Artist Studios – art production on site is subject to the performance standards of the Commercial District

2. Assisted living facilities including convalescent homes, hospice care and retirement centers

3. Bed and Breakfast Country Inn

4. Commercial, trade or vocational schools

5. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) disbursement locations

6. Farmers Markets

7. Funeral Parlors without a crematorium

8. Hotels and motels a maximum of two stories in height

9. Manufacturing, production and assembly of boutique consumable products using sustainable practices that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. Re-use or re-purposing of by-products is encouraged. All such activity shall be conducted within completely enclosed building. A portion of the products manufactured on site shall be sold at retail on the premises.

10. Museums

11. Park and Ride facilities

12. Parking lots

13. Personal service uses, including barber shops and beauty parlors, day spas, dressmakers, tailors, tattoo parlors, and other personal service uses of a similar nature

14. Professional and business offices, including clinics, banks and financial institutions and medical/dental offices

15. Public garages including storage and repair

16. Religious institutions

17. Repair shops for household small appliances, bicycles, and personal items

18. Residential uses including single family homes a maximum of two stories in height and multi-family a maximum of three stories in height or 35 feet whichever is less

19. Restaurants, taverns, bars and sidewalk cafes in conformance with Section 4-160. (Created 2/14/12 Resolution 1388-Ordinance 342; Effective 3/14/12)

20. Retail sales which do not involve any kind of manufacturing, processing, or treating of products other than that which is clearly incidental to the retail business conducted on the premises and are similar in scale and design to the adjacent residential uses

B. Accessory Uses (Not requiring a use permit)

Caretaker’s residence in conjunction with a permitted use

C. Conditional Uses (Use Permit Required)

(Revised by Ord #368; Res 1507; Adopted 10/13/15; Eff 11/13/15)

1. Agriculture Tourism

2. Agritourism Enterprise

3. Amusement facilities within a structure with sound containment

4. Campsites and recreational vehicle parks for stays of thirty (30) days or less

5. Convenience stores/filling stations provided bulk storage of inflammable liquids is underground. No repair shop or vehicle storage shall be permitted except in conformance with the Zoning Code.

6. Croplands

7. Day Care Center (child or adult)

8. Dry cleaners

9. Halfway House with on-site staff (excluding treatment centers)

10. Laundry, self-service for individual use only

11. Medical Facilities, Licensed Inpatient and Outpatient

12. Outside display & sale of goods & merchandise for a limited period of time

13. Parking structures or garages, a maximum of two stories in height

14. Retail stores which involve any kind of manufacturing, processing or treating of products other than that which is clearly incidental to the retail business conducted on the premises

15. Any use not listed but determined by the Community Development Director to be similar in commercial character and use

D. Development Standards for the Neighborhood Commercial District:

1. Maximum Building Height: 35 feet

2. Minimum Lot Size: 6,000 square feet

3. Minimum Lot Frontage: 50 feet

4. Minimum Lot Depth: 120 feet

5. Minimum Yard Setbacks:

a. Front - 20 feet or minimum standards required by state or federal highway departments if abutting said highways, whichever is greater

b. Side - None

c. Rear - 20 feet

6. For parcels that front on SR 89A, direct or indirect access to State Route 89A must be provided through either an access permit from ADOT or interconnection of on-site circulation with adjacent parcels.

E. Performance Standards for Neighborhood Commercial.

1. Traffic and curbs - No development will be permitted which allows or encourages vehicular traffic to back into the highway right-of-way, or to otherwise unduly restrict or interrupt the normal flow of through traffic. Curbs shall be installed in front of each developed parcel.

2. Landscaping and paving Landscaping and paving - All open areas of an improved lot shall be maintained in a dust free condition by landscaping with trees, shrubs, or suitable ground cover, natural organic or inorganic material. Twenty-five [25] percent of the total lot area or a minimum fifteen [15] foot wide strip of land adjacent to the street right of way. All landscaping shall be developed in accordance with the Town of Clarkdale’s Landscape Ordinance (Chapter 9, Section 9-030).

3. Storage facilities-Outdoor storage shall be permitted only in rear yards or side yards when accessory to a permitted use. All areas used for storage shall be screened from public view by an opaque enclosure such as a masonry wall or solid fence. No materials or products shall be stacked or stored to exceed the height of the wall or fence.

4. Illumination-Illumination of buildings, parking areas and loading facilities shall be so arranged as to eliminate glare and light spill toward streets and adjoining properties and shall be in accordance with the Town of Clarkdale’s Outdoor Lighting Code. (Chapter 8).

5. Nuisances - No operation shall be conducted on any premises in such a manner as to cause an unreasonable amount of noise, odor, dust, smoke, vibration, or electrical interference detectable off the site. Any business in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone must be operated in accordance with all state and federal environmental regulations.

6. Liquids and solid waste - No wastes shall be discharged in the streets, drainage ways or property. No waste shall be discharged in the public sewage system that endangers the normal operation of the public sewage system.

7. Outdoor displays and seating - All sales, displays and seating shall be conducted within an enclosed area, unless outdoor activities are previously approved by the Community Development Director.

8. Site plan and design review - All development and redevelopment in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone is subject to Site Plan and Design Review per Chapter 11 of the Town of Clarkdale Zoning Code

9. Highway Access - In any Neighborhood Commercial areas which are immediately adjacent to any state or federal highway, the owner shall, upon use of said property, construct, at their own expense, any required improvements in accordance with state and federal regulations.

10. Odors – No emission of odorous gases or other odorous matter shall be permitted in such quantities as to be offensive or in such a manner as to create a nuisance or hazard at the lot lines.

J. The Sign Standards for Neighborhood Commercial are outlined in Chapter 7 of the Town of Clarkdale Zoning Code. (Revised by Ordinance #430 on 8/13/24; effective 9/14/24; prior code § 3-11)