Section 12-7-040 Required Improvements
A. Streets:
1. All streets and alleys, both public and private, within the subdivision, including perimeter streets or half-streets, shall be improved in accordance with Section 12-3 of these Regulations.
2. Where there are existing streets adjacent to the subdivision, subdivision streets shall be improved to the intercepting paving line of existing streets.
3. Dead-end streets serving more than four (4) lots shall be provided with an improved temporary turning circle.
4. When a major collector or arterial street is included, or is a perimeter street, the Town may pay for such extra width paving as deemed appropriate by the Town.
B. Where curbs and/or sidewalks are required, they shall be paved with portland cement to the latest MAG standards or the latest standards and specifications of the Town Code, if the Town Code is more restrictive.
C. Water:
1. All lots will be supplied with public or private piped water unless the lots are larger than seventy thousand (70,000) square feet in area. Supplied water shall be of sufficient volume and at a minimum pressure of twenty pounds per square inch (20 PSI) for domestic use and fire protection. All lines shall be designed to the standards of Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).
2. If water is supplied by a public or private water company, the minimum service connection shall be three-quarter inch (3/4") to each lot.
3. If water is supplied by a public or private water company, then fire hydrants shall be installed in the subdivision at locations and to grades approved by the Water Company, Town Engineer and the Fire District, and in conformance with Town and Uniform Fire Code Standards.
4. If water service is not available from a public or private water company then a statement of water adequacy from the Arizona Department of Water Resources will be required.
D. Sewers:
1. If the subdivision is within twenty-five feet (25’) per lot (i.e. 250 feet for 10 lots, 1,250 feet for 50 lots) of an available sanitary sewer then, each lot shall be supplied with connection to such sewer with lines designed to Town, County, and State standards.
2. If connection to a public sewer system is not required, the Town shall require the installation of capped sewer mains, if the average subdivision lot is less than two (2) acres in area.
3. When connection to a sanitary sewer system is not available, septic tanks or other disposal systems may be permitted provided a statement is submitted from the County Health Department certifying that field investigation has determined ground slopes and soil conditions will allow for satisfactory disposal by this method with the lot arrangement and size as depicted on the subdivision plan.
E. Gas service may be furnished according to current supplies as determined by the franchise supplier.
F. Utilities:
1. New utilities including, but not limited to electric, internet fiber optics, communication and television cable shall be installed underground.
2. When overhead utility lines exist within the property being platted, including boundary easements, said existing overhead utility lines and the new installations within the platted area shall be placed underground.
3. When overhead utility lines exist on the boundary of the property being platted, said existing overhead utility lines, and any additions or replacements needed to increase capacity or improve service reliability, may remain overhead, provided however, that any service drops into the platted area from said peripheral overhead lines shall be underground.
4. Electric lines greater than three thousand Kilovolt Amps (3,000 KVA) capacity shall be exempt from being placed underground.
5. Exception may be granted if the Commission recommends that due to soil or other natural features is impractical to place the utility underground.
6. Design of all underground utilities shall be coordinated to prevent issues and/or conflicts. All utilities shall be installed in a manner consistent with separations required by local county and state agencies.
7. The subdivider shall make the necessary arrangements with each of the serving utility companies involved for the installation of the underground facilities. Letters from each utility company indicating such arrangements have been made shall be submitted to the Director prior to submittal of the Final Plat.
G. Storm Drainage and Detention:
1. The subdivider shall make provisions for the disposal of storm water entering, as well as initiated in the subdivision, in accordance with plans approved by the Yavapai County Flood Control District and the Town Engineer.
2. The hydrologic function of existing major water courses shall be protected.
3. Complete hydrology and hydrological design computations and a Phase III County Flood Control Report shall accompany the plans and shall be approved by the Town Engineer before recordation of the Final Plat.
4. Increases in on-site storm runoff due to development shall be addressed in the hydrologic/hydrological analysis and shall meet the criteria set forth in the most recent Yavapai County Flood Control District Reference Storm Water Detention Material.
5. Once constructed and approved by the Town, the drainage and detention facilities shall not be modified unless such modification is approved by the Town Engineer.
H. Street lights shall be required and installed in accordance with Town Standards. Installation, or partial installation in residential and industrial subdivisions, may be waived by the Council. Solar street light designs are encouraged and may be required.
I. Street Name and Traffic Control Signs:
1. All streets in a subdivision shall be named and identified by signs installed at every street intersection.
2. Traffic control devices shall be installed as recommended by the Town Police Department and Public Works Department.
3. All signs and devices shall be standard as indicated by Town policy and as approved by the Director of Public Works and/or Utilities Departments.
J. Monuments:
1. Permanent monuments shall be installed as approved by the Town Engineer, at all corners, angle points, points of curve and at all street intersections for streets within and around the perimeter of the subdivision and at such other locations as determined by the Town Engineer.
2. A permanent marker acceptable to the Town Engineer shall be set at all corners, angle points and points of curve for each lot within the subdivision prior to the recording of the plat.
3. After all monuments have been installed, a registered land surveyor shall check the location of the monuments and certify their accuracy.
K. Appropriate buffering may be required to separate residential lots from arterial and collector streets if said residential lots back to such streets.
L. Landscaping or retaining walls may be required by the Town Engineer to prevent erosion on areas of cut or fill.
M. As a condition of Final Plat approval, the Commission and Council may require a subdivider to pay a pro rata share of the cost, or agree to install the necessary street, sewerage, drainage and other improvements, including land and easements, located off-site of the property limits of the subdivision but necessitated or required by the development. “Necessary” improvements are those reasonably related to the proposed subdivision. The Commission and Council shall provide in its resolution of Preliminary Plat approval the basis of the required improvements. The capacity and design of proposed improvements shall be based upon the recommendations of the Town Engineer, the Yavapai County Flood Control District, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), and the adopted Town Circulation Plan, Sewer Plan, Drainage Plan, General Plan or other adopted improvement plans. At the discretion of the Council, pro rata funds may be deposited into an escrow account for future construction if it is deemed by the Council that it is in the interest of the Town to delay construction of said improvements. In no case shall the delay be more than six (6) years and in the case that the Town elects to not construct the improvements within six (6) years, the funds will be returned to the subdivider with interest paid at the same rate of interest that the Town received on the funds.
N. Upon completion of development, the subdivider’s Engineer of Record shall provide and certify a set of “as-built” construction plans to the Town Engineer, stating that all required improvements have been completed in substantial conformance to the specifications and standards contained in or referred to herein. (Prior code § 12-7-4)