Section 11-110 Site Plan Application Submission and Review Procedures
A. Preapplication. A preapplication conference is not mandatory, but can be helpful to the applicant in identifying potential issues that will need to be addressed.
The purposes of the preapplication conference are to:
1. Provide the Site Plan Review Committee an opportunity to review and comment on proposals prior to submittal.
2. Discuss the development review process and required submissions with the applicant.
3. Identify issues that need to be resolved in future submissions.
4. Make the applicant aware of any opportunities for coordinating the development with community policies, programs, or facilities.
5. The Department may schedule a site inspection if deemed necessary.
6. Applicants for preapplication conference will need to provide as much information indicated on Table 1 in Section 11-120 as possible, as completely as possible.
B. Persons applying for site plan review will be required to submit a site plan review application and three (3) twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inch printed copies and one (1) electronic submittal of the site plan, including the development plan and supporting documentation that meet the minimum submission requirements set forth in Section 11-120. This material shall be submitted to the Community Development Director, who shall determine that the application is complete. If the application is complete, the Community Development Director will date stamp the materials and notify the applicant that the application is administratively complete. A deposit toward potential outside consultant fees incurred by the Town in the processing and review of an application shall be required per Article 3-4 of the Town Code.
1. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the Community Development Director shall notify the applicant by letter that the application is incomplete, and specify the additional materials required to make the application complete.
2. After the application has been accepted the Community Development Department will distribute copies of the site plan to the Community Development Department, Public Works and Engineering Departments, Town Manager, Fire Chief, and Police Chief, County Flood Control, and County Health for substantive review and comment.
3. Site plans shall also be provided to all other affected utility companies as well as to adjoining governmental entities as required by statute. Comments returned shall pertain to the agency’s area of specific authority and shall contain specific requirements from these reviewing agencies.
4. The Community Development Department may hold an on-site inspection of the site to review the existing conditions, field verify the information submitted and investigate the development proposal.
5. Following receipt of the comments from the various departments and agencies, the Community Development Director shall forward one (1) complete copy to the applicant via electronic communication and first-class mail.
6. Applicants for site plan review shall hold a neighborhood meeting to inform the public of the proposals prior to formal submission of an application and plans.
a. Applicant shall notify all proprty owners within 300 feet of the subject property of the meeting by first-class mail at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date. The Community Development Director may increase notification requirements at his/her discretion based on the impact of the project on the community.
b. Applicant shall post the property at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date.
c. Applicant will publish a notice of the meeting including the time, date and location in a paper of general circulation at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date.
C. Establishment of Fees. The Town Council may, from time to time and after consultation with the Board and the Community Development Department, establish the appropriate application fees following posting of the proposed schedule of fees and public hearing. (Revised by Resolution #1621 on 2/25/20; Revised by Ordinance #403 on 2/25/20; effective 3/26/20; Revised by Ordinance #364 on 8/12/14; effective 9/12/14; Revised by Resolution #1261 on 5/13/08; effective 6/13/08; Revised by Ordinance #310 on 5/13/08; effective 6/13/08; prior code § 11-11)