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A. Applications for Design Review shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator on a form prescribed by the Administrator. A deposit toward potential outside consultant fees incurred by the Town in the processing and review of an application shall be required per Section 3-5 of the Town Code. The application shall be accompanied by the following:

(Revised by Ordinance #364. Approved 8/12/14; Effective 9/12/14)

1. The proposed Site Plan, including, but not limited to, a north arrow, name and address of owner, address of property and legal description, all property lines dimensioned and marked as property lines, site contours, existing structures, and enclosures, all proposed development, name of proposed development, easements, and other development abutting property, proposed parking areas, all improvements affecting the appearances, such as walls, walks, terraces, landscaping, accessory buildings and lights.

2. Plans and exterior elevations, drawn to scale, on one or more sheets of paper with sufficient detail to show, as far as they are related to exterior appearances, the design, the proposed materials, textures and colors.

3. Building material and color samples.

4. Any other information which the Board may find necessary to establish compliance with this section.

B. An application for approval of demolition, partial demolition or removal of an existing building or structure shall be filed with the Community Development Director on a form prescribed by the Director. The application shall be accompanied by the following:

1. Legible photograph showing all sides of the building or structure for which the application is made.

2. Legible photograph showing the adjoining properties.

3. Any other information which the Board may find necessary to establish compliance with this section.

C. An application for approval of a sign shall be accompanied by the following:

1. Plans to scale with sufficient detail to show the size, design, lighting, materials, textures, colors and placement of the sign.

2. If applicable, legible photograph showing the face of the building on which the sign is to be mounted or vicinity photograph for a free standing sign.

3. Any other information which the Board may find necessary to establish compliance with this section.

D. Upon receipt of an application for Design Review, the Community Development Director shall place the application to be reviewed on the Agenda at a Special Meeting of the Design Review Board within thirty (30) days of submitting the application. The Community Development Director shall notify the applicant of the time and place of the meeting and shall also provide the applicant with a copy of the staff report. (Prior code § 11-2)