That certain document entitled the International Property Maintenance Code, 2012 Edition, is hereby adopted by reference and is hereby amended as follows:
A. Section 101.1, Title. Add after, Code of, “Clarkdale, Arizona.”
B. Section 101.3, Intent. Delete the last sentence in the paragraph starting with “Repairs, alterations etc.”
C. Section 102.3, “Application of other codes,” is deleted in its entirety.
D. Section 102.6, Historic buildings, is replaced with the following:
The provisions of this code shall not be mandatory for existing buildings or structures individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Historic Districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places are subject to this code.
E. Section 103.1, General, “executive official in charge thereof” is replaced with: “Community Development Director.”
F. Section 103.2, Appointment, is deleted in its entirety.
G. Section 104.2, Rule making authority, is deleted in its entirety.
H. Section 106.3, Prosecution of Violation, is replaced with the following:
Prosecution of Violation. Any person failing to comply with a notice of violation or order served in accordance with Section 107 shall be prosecuted under chapter 1-6, Penalty, of the Town of Clarkdale Town Code.
I. Section 106.4, Violation penalties, is deleted in its entirety.
J. Section 106.5, Abatement of violation, is deleted in its entirety.
K. Section 107.2.6 is deleted in its entirety.
L. Section 111.2, Membership of the board, is amended to read:
The “Board of Adjustment”, as described in the Town of Clarkdale Town Code shall sit as the Board of Appeals.
M. Section 111.2.1, Alternate members, is deleted in its entirety.
N. Sections 111.2.2 through 116.2 are deleted in their entirety.
O. Section 202, General Definitions, shall be amended to add:
1. PRIVATE WAYS. Any street, alley or similar parcel of land essentially unobstructed from the ground to the sky, which is not owned by a municipality or other unit of government.
2. WEED. A plant that interferes with the management objectives of a given area of land at a given point of time. [Arizona Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona, Tucson]
3. WEED, NOXIOUS. Nonnative plants that negatively impact agriculture, navigation, or public health.
P. Section 302.1.1 is added:
Private ways. Occupants or owners of buildings that abut private ways shall be responsible for keeping that portion of property from the lot line to the middle of the private way from rubbish, garbage and weeds over 8 inches high. No rubbish or trash shall be allowed on private ways except that which is to be removed within 24 hours by an authorized refuse service.
Q. Section 302.2.2 is added:
Stagnant water. Any receptacles, including swimming pools, stock tanks, fountains, and vehicle tires, that collect and store water where mosquitoes are capable of breeding, shall be removed, emptied, maintained, or treated with an approved insecticide or process so as to minimize the threat of infestation.
R. Section 302.4, Weeds, is amended to read:
All exterior property areas shall be kept free from vegetation which has become a fire hazard. It is the responsibility of the owner or agent having charge of a property to cut or remove grass and weeds in excess of eight inches [8”] high throughout the property, unless the Community Development Director, in consultation with the Fire Code Official or his/her designee, determines that it is not practical because of the defensible fire area of the property.
1. Exception: Landscaping approved by the Community Development Director.
S. Section 302.4.2 is added to read:
Dangerous trees. All exterior areas shall be kept clear of trees that have become public or private nuisances. The trees shall be removed or trimmed as needed. The following conditions shall apply:
Tree(s) is:
1. Dead and likely to fall.
2. Overhanging a public or private way so as to be in the path of vehicles and/or pedestrians.
3. Stricken with an infectious disease, heavily infested with parasites or insects.
4. A threat to overhead electric lines. Property owner shall be responsible for notifying electric power supplier of trees dangerous to power lines.
T. Section 302.8, Motor Vehicles.
Except as provided for in other regulations, no motor vehicle that is inoperable or unlicensed shall be parked, kept, or stored on any premises unless completely enclosed by a six foot (6’) solid or masonry fence. No fence shall be erected without an approved permit. No more than two (2) vehicles shall be allowed in the fenced area and they shall not be visible from adjoining public or private property.
1. Any business lawfully existing within the Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts.
2. There shall be no limit to the number of vehicles or their condition as long as they are completely enclosed in an approved structure.
U. Section 302.8.1 shall be amended by adding:
Boats and trailers. Boats, trailers, and nonmotorized camper vehicles shall be required to comply with Section 302.8.
V. Section 303.1, Swimming pools, shall be amended by adding:
Swimming pools, regardless of the age of the occupants of the property where the pool is located, shall meet all State of Arizona and 2011 National Electrical Code requirements.
W. Section 303.2, Enclosures, shall be deleted in its entirety.
X. Section 304.3, Premises identification, shall be amended by adding:
Any structure whose rear lot line is adjacent to a street or alley shall post address numbers as required by this section so as to be easily identified from the street or alley.
Y. Section 307.3.1, Garbage facilities, shall be deleted in its entirety.
Z. Section 308.1, Infestation, shall be amended to read:
All structures shall be kept free from insects, rodents, dangerous, destructive, nondomesticated animals, including snakes, skunks, and other animals regarded as pests. All structures containing any or all of the above listed animals shall be promptly exterminated by approved processes. After extermination, proper procedures shall be taken to prevent re-infestation.
[Ordinance #412, 2021.]